Choosing your first hat blocks

From time to time I am asked ''What blocks should I get?".

It must be quite daunting to look through a catalogue of hat blocks or browse the internet and see so many blocks and so many shapes, then try to choose what to buy. I know from talking to my customers that hat blocks are a very personal thing and the first blocks purchased are possibly the most cherished.

So, when asked, what do I recommend as blocks to start with?

The full dome would have to be the most versatile hat block of them all. With skill it can used to create facinator's, bowler's, dome's, cloche's and fedora shapes among the possibilities.

 As far as basic brims go, the most universal would have to be the cartwheel. Being large in diametre it can make wide brim hats and be trimmed closer to the crown for smaller brims, and with skill for creating fedora brims for example.

It's close relative is the 'dior', or domed cartwheel, depending on the shape you want it can be shallow or as steep as an upside down wok. 

 When it comes to facinator's, the most popular are the buttons as I call them. I make a variety of shapes, mostly in sets, and the most popular are the 5 button combination set. 

These basic blocks can get you a good way in millinery and to get the most from them you will want to learn how to manipulate your chosen fabrics for hat making.

Of course, not everything can be made with these few. That is of course why Block Makers have so many styles for you to choose from! But the skills learned while using the basic blocks can easily be turned toward more complex shapes...really, you are only limited by your imagination. Many of the hat blocks made by Blocks By Design started as a customers idea.

I do hope this is of help to you.
